Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ma Pet Part II

I came across with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) while browsing through the Net searching for resources. It drew my attention when i see this small caption :

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) or MAD DOG DISEASE or Rabies

dog with the furious or mad type of the disease will run around and bite anything. The eyes become red and saliva drips from the mouth. ...

Being an inquisitive person, I clicked into the page and saw this :

This is a disease of the brain which can affect all animals as well as humans. It is caused by germs which are transferred through the bites of rabid (sick) carnivorous animals such as dogs, foxes, wolves, hyaenas and some bloodsucking bats.

When the rabid animal bites another animal or human, the germs which live in its saliva pass into the body through the wound caused by the bite. The germs travel along the nerves to the brain.

The time between the bite and the first appearance of signs that the bitten animal or human has been infected can take from 2 to 10 weeks or more. The time taken depends on the distance of the bite from the brain. If the bite is on the face or head, the bitten animal or human will quickly show signs, but if the bite is on the leg it will take much longer for signs to develop.

General signs of rabies

You should first look for the marks of the bite and discover where and when the animal was bitten. All rabid animals show similar signs in the beginning.

· They change their normal behavior and behave very strangely.
· They stop eating or drinking.
· There is no change in the body temperature.
· Male animal will try to mate (mount) other animals.

These signs will continue for 3 to 5 days. Then, before it dies, the animal will develop one or the other of two types of the disease:

· The furious (mad) type of the disease makes the animal aggressive and it will bite anything.
· The quiet (dumb) type when the animal is quiet and does not move.

Rabies in the dog

Dogs show either of the two types of rabies.

· A dog with the furious or mad type of the disease will run around and bite anything. The eyes become red and saliva drips from the mouth.

· A dog with the dumb or quiet type of the disease cannot move. It looks as if it has a bone stuck in the mouth and saliva drips from the mouth.

Rabies in the dog lasts about 10 days before the animal dies. If the animal does not die after this length of time then it may not be suffering from rabies.

The symptoms mentioned instinctively reminds me of "Ma Pet". Apparently this pet of mine has both symptoms stated in the article.

At times, this creature will be as dumb as a pole, quietly licking bones or maybe getting bitches laid. During this period, our world is immersed with tranquility and peace.

When it comes to the period when this crazy creature turns mad, everything just turned into chaos. Imagine a placid lake where you row your boat and do some leisure fishing, and all of a sudden there's this freaking dog riding a jet ski speeding all around the lake.

You will be like "WTF" cursing the son of the bitch, but to your surprise the dog reacted back with it's happy gesture, seeming like it is enjoying the trouble created. What on earth could possibly appease this creature remains as mystery. Someone please enlighten this poor creature.

"May the forces be with us to endure this torture". With this, I end my post for now.

p/s : Sorry for this nerdy and boring post, i just could'nt help it :p

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ma Pet

I once believed that this creature do actually think with brain. This creature named Canis lupus familiaris scientifically, or most people recognize it as dog. Dog it is i assure u that it does not comply with even the lowest thinking process which applies to humans.

They do not reckon kindness exhibited by people around them, they decypher action of goodwill as betrayal. They trash sincerity like how they go pee around on poles and walk off. Trying to show off their majestic pride by barking and biting the fence when they see strangers.

Today, i finally experienced the infamous dog-like barking. I give a perfect 10 for it. Earnestly, it was more doggish than my ever loyal Doggy back home.

Remember, remember. The 20th of November. The day I got barked.